This bridge is the first of 3 consecutive nondescript prestressed
concrete girder bridges. Two of those bridges are on CSAH 8,
this being the westernmost of the two, plus another over CSAH 33.
CSAH stands for County State-Aid Highway. These are roads that
are major county roads, but not up to par with state highways,
but certainly better than minor county roads.
This bridge replaced a 2-span steel pony truss bridge built in
1931. A pony truss bridge has a steel truss that runs along
the sides of the roadway, but does not go over the top of the
The photo above is a view from the southwest corner of the bridge looking
to the east. The photo above is a view looking east down the length of
the bridge deck.
The photo above is a second view from the southwest corner of the bridge.
The photo below is the bridge plate.