This single span prestressed concrete girder bridge crosses the
mighty Mississippi River in a single leap. That is in contrast
with the old 1916 bridge that once stood in this location. It
was a 4 span wooden trestle.
Like other Mississippi River headwaters bridges, this bridge sees
very little traffic, less than 100 vehicles per day. This is the last
of the lightly traveled bridges while heading downriver. The next
bridge at Jefferson Road sees 2500 vehicles a day, and the US-2 crossing
after that sees nearly 10,000 vehicles a day. But do stay tuned, there
is one more bridge further downriver that sees less than 100 vehicles
per day.
The photo above is a view looking north across the bridge as seen from
traffic level. The photo below is the bridge plate. The photo at the
top of the page is a view of the west side and under the bridge as seen
from the water level.