This bridge is nearly a carbon copy of the US Grant Bridge, also over the Ohio River. In fact, the Pomeroy-Mason Bridge is so similar to a bridge going up in Puerto Rico that when the Puerto Rico bridge suffered a construction problem, the Pomeroy-Mason project was impacted. The issue is a tool called a form traveler, which acts as a form for the concrete on the deck. After a section of deck is poured and hardens, the form traveler can be moved further out across the span to build the next section of deck. In Puerto Rico, that form traveler machine failed. The Pomeroy-Mason Bridge had to put the deck construction on hold until a new form traveler could be built and shipped into Ohio. That set the project back 6 months.
Later, an underground slip was found on the Ohio side of the river. A number of shafts were drilled around the Ohio side support tower, and concrete was pumped in to stabilize the ground. In addition, a large landslide blocked the construction area for several days, and now requires a large retaining wall to be installed. Assuming no more large problems are encountered, the bridge is expected to open in early 2008.